Whale sightings keep tourists in awe
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Whale sightings keep tourists in awe

by Kerry Larsen - kerry@thenewsport.com.au
Passengers and crew aboard the catamaran, Sailaway, were treated to special sightings of humpback whales last week.
A full moon and calm seas provided perfect conditions for a mother and her calf to breach in Port Douglas waters at dusk over two consecutive nights during the vessel’s nightly sunset sails, as pictured.
Sailaway owner-operator, Steve Edmondson, said there were many speechless guests aboard the vessel as they heard the breathing of the mother and calf.
“We were just drifting silently, and everyone didn’t know where to look next,” he said.
“We stayed out half an hour later than usual and came back with the full moon.
“I think the guests were hoping to stay out there until breakfast.”
Sailaway leaves the Meridien Marina every night from 5pm and sails Port Douglas waters for one and a half hours. Tickets are $50 including a welcome drink and canapés, and a fully licensed bar is available on board. www.sailawayportdouglas.com