Under 10 Crocs

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Under 10 Crocs have fun in the sun

by Kylie Cox

The Crocs' Under 10s had a fiercely contested game against North Cairns at Sunday's home game. With the conditions fine it allowed the boys to show of their skills with some great marks and goals.

Anthony Long pulled in a screamer in the forward line and finished it of with a goal.

Jack, Tyson, Ryan and Jacob showed great defensive skills in the back line and with Toby, Reuben, Daniel and Dylan running hard in the midfield the Crocs gave the North's defence a lot of work to do.

Leon, Bryce, Casey and Under 8 player,Scotty, played in front up forward and provided good targets for the midfield players .

Goal kickers were Anthony 2, Toby 2, Daniel 1, Tyson 1, Casey 1 and Angus 1.

Awards: Casey West club medal, Angus, Bryce Bakker and Dylan Collyer.