Time running out to vote for Douglas’ best/NEWSPORT (copy 1)
Monday 15 August 2011

Time running out to vote for Douglas’ best

By Mat Churchill - mat@thenewsport.com.au
Have you voted for Port Douglas’ best businesses, attractions and service industry individuals?
If not, there’s not much time to vote, with more than 3000 votes already been received for the upcoming Port Douglas Magazine Awards to be held in October.
Last year’s inaugural event – labeled Port Douglas’ “night of nights” on the Sunset Balcony of the Meridien Marina – saw more than 230 businesses nominated across 20 categories, such as best restaurant and coffee house, and recommended reef trip, tour operators, individual tour guides and accommodation houses.
Four businesses were inducted into the Hall of Fame, which recognises the region’s pioneering businesses, and Awards for Excellence were handed to three individuals for their work on prominent Port Douglas events.
This year, new categories have been added, such as Best Spa Experience and best individuals in the health and wellbeing industry, such as masseurs and masseuses, beauty therapists, hairdressers and make-up artists.
The wedding and events industry also gets its own recognition this year, with wedding celebrants, photographers and event organisers eligible for awards.
If you haven’t already voted, you can get your entry form from the tourismportdouglas.com.au/The Newsport Daily offices upstairs at the Meridien Marina; in Issue 5 of the free Port Douglas Magazine; or vote online at www.tourismportdouglas.com.au/Port-Douglas-Magazine-Awards-Entry-Form.4348.0.html
But get your skates on, entries close the end of September.