Surf life saving carnival attracts hundreds/NEWSPORT (copy 3)
Wednesday 17 August 2011
Surf life saving carnival attracts hundreds

By Louise Cameron
More than 250 club members, from as far south as Mission Beach, competed in the Port Douglas Surf Carnival at the weekend.
Port Douglas fared well in the two-day event, taking out third position in the overall points tally.
Age champion prizes were claimed by Sophie Knight in the under-8 female, Derek Sorensen under-10 male, Sara McLeod 50-54 female age group and Grant Knight 40-45 male age group, while Eliza Markham, Brian Markham, Michael Bolt, Kelly McNamara, John Goodman and Nicky Innes were all runners-up in their respective age groups.
Under 8s
Sophie Knight: Wade 1st, Deep Wade 1st, Flags 3rd, Sprint 2nd, Oliver Lukin: Sprint 2nd, Flags 3rd, Guy Edmondson: Deep Wade 6th, Flags 2nd, Sprint 5th, Zane Collins: Flags 6th, Harper Woods: Wade 4th, Deep Wade 5th.
Under 9s
Jorja Harvey: Surf Race 5th, Board Race 6th, Ethan Pedemay: Flags 2nd.
Under 10s
Derek Sorensen: Wade 3rd, Surf Race 1st, Board Race 1st, Flags 4th, Sprint 3rd, Ryan Stanaway: Wade 5th, Board Race 6th, Flags 5th, Jai Hackett: Flags 2nd, Sprint 1st.
Under 11s
Mia Devine-Cameron: Board 4th, Sprint 4th, Mitchell Knight: Ironperson 2nd, Surf Race 3rd, Che Innes: Ironperson 4th,Finn Stanaway: Flags 5th.
Under 12s
Harry Goodman: Ironperson 6th, Surf Race 5th, Flags 4th, Sprint 4th.
Under 13s
Eliza Markham: Ironperson 2nd, Surf Race 2nd, Board Race 2nd, Flags 1st, Sprint 1st, Rachel Goodman: e Flags 4th, Alison Munroe: Ironperson 5th, Surf Race 5th, Board Race 4th, Sprint 3rd, Finn Devine-Cameron: Ironperson 3rd, Surf Race 4th, Simon Kramer: Ironperson 5th, Surf Race 5th, Board Race 6th, Flags 2nd, Sprint 2nd.
Under 14s
Sam Ralston: Surf Race 5th, Sprint 5th, Cahil Rankin: Flags 2nd, Sprint 3rd.
Under 17s
Thomas Richardson: Flags 1st, Sprint 1st.
Under 19s
Caitlin Markham: Flags 4th, Sprint 3rd, Emily Kramer: Surf Race 3rd, Tube Race 3rd, Board Race 2nd, Flags 3rd, Sprint 5th.
Nicky Innes 35-39: Ironperson 2nd, Surf Race 4th, Tube Race 2nd, Board Race 2nd, Ski Race 2nd, Flags 2nd, Sprint 4th, Kelly McNamara 45-49: Ironperson 2nd, Surf Race 3rd, Tube Race 3rd, Board Race 3rd, Ski Race 2nd, Flags 2nd, Sprint 2nd, Lynn Butterss 45-49: Ironperson 4th, Surf Race 4th, Tube Race 4th, Board Race 4th, Ski Race 4th, Flags 3rd, Sprint 6th. Sara McLeod 50-54: Board Race 5th, Tube Race 5th, Flags 4th,
Grant Knight 40-44: Surf Race 1st, Tube Race 4th, Board Race 2nd, Flags 2nd, Sprint 2nd, Ed Lukin 40-44: Surf Race 2nd, Tube Race 1st, Board Race 3rd, Flags 3rd, Laurie Green 45-49: Ironperson 2nd, Board Race 2nd, Ski Race 2nd, John Goodman 50-54: Ironperson 1st, Surf Race 2nd, Board Race 1st, Ski Race 2nd, Sprint 2nd, Brian Markham 55+: Ironperson 3rd, Surf Race 3rd, Tube Race 6th, Board Race 2nd, Ski Race 6th, Flags 1st, Sprint 1st, Steve Pollard 55+: Tube Race 4th, Board Race 3rd, Ski Race 4th, Michael Bolt 55+: Ironperson 1st, Surf Race 1st, Tube Race 1st, Board Race 5th, Ski Race 2nd, Sprint 5th.
Nicholas Goodman: Board Race 4th, Laurie Green: Board Race 5th, Luke Humphries OpZeeland: Ski Race 5th, Sprint 6th, Michael Bolt: Ski Race 6th, Thomas Richardson: Sprint 1st, Flags 3rd.