Public meeting on evac centre

Monday 1 August 2011

Public meeting on evac centre

A meeting has been called by Port Douglas State School to discuss future plans for the town's soon to be built evacuation centre.

The facility, which will accommodate up to 500 evacuees and be located on land adjacent to the school, will also be used as a sports centre for the school and the community.

"A committee has been formed to ensure that this new facility meets the needs of the school and our community," a Port Douglas State School spokesperson said.

The public meeting is scheduled for this Wednesday from 9am to 11am at the school's resource centre.

Member for Cook, Jason O'Brien, is in Parliament this week, but told The Newsport he will be sending a representative to attend the meeting.

He added that he will be discussing the issue of ongoing management of the facility with colleagues while away, but expressed a preference for a community committee to oversee the running of the centre.

While the desing is yet to be finalised, the centre will be capable of providing protection from winds of up to 300km/h, and, according to Mr O'Brien, the floor level of the shelter will be above the storm tide level or a 1-in-500-year "defined flood event level."