Mossman kitchen rules
Wednesday 24 August 2011

Mossman kitchen rules

The recent installation of new kitchen equipment at the Mossman Meals on Wheels depot has made life easier for the army of volunteers giving back to the community.
The shiny stainless steel kitchen equipment came as part of a Home and Community Care (HACC) government grant handed out late last year and now helps to bring the kitchen in line with new food and safety regulations.
Mossman Meals on Wheels co-ordinator, Steve Macrae, said the new stove, fridge, blast chiller and three-door deep freezer was a welcome acquisition for the volunteer-run service, which delivers 50 meals a day to frail and disabled residents unable to cook for themselves.
“Effectively we now comply with the new health regulations and food safety procedures the government insists we implement,” Steve said.
“We’ve had to change from the delivery of hot meals to cold meals, and we were previously delivering frozen meals over the (Daintree) river.
“Instead of meals leaving the premises warm, which can encourage bacteria growth, the meals are now cooked on the new stove and cooled quickly and safely in the blast chiller before being delivered to homes.”
The community service also utilises local bus companies to deliver to residents as far south as Wangetti and north to the Daintree, with meals prepared with the help of volunteers and valuable donations.
Last Thursday night, Mossman Meals on Wheels was also awarded a $254.37 cheque from Cairns Community Enterprise, an initiative of Bendigo Bank, which Steve says will go towards the general running of the kitchen.
“These donations are very important, as there is usually a 40% shortfall after government subsidies,” Steve said.
“And we always need volunteers to work as kitchen hands and to help with deliveries.”
Meals on Wheels delivers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Anyone wanting to volunteer can contact Steve and the team at the Maxwell Street depot on 4098 1105.