Mossman bowlers taste sweet success
Thursday 18 August 2011

Mossman bowlers taste sweet success

Sensational weather and full fields of players made for a very successful 2011 Sugar Festival Weekend at Mossman Bowls Club.
Big winners for the weekend were Col and Carol Maxted who featured as winners in every event.
On Ladies Day on Friday, Carol was a member of the winning team. Saturday was the Mixed day and Col and Carol claimed the top spot and the prize money, and just to complete the weekend, Col was a member of the winning Men’s Fours team that claimed the winners bragging rights and the top prize money.
The men’s day had a full field of players enjoying the perfect Mossman weather and club facilities. The winning team was the already-mentioned Col Maxted, ‘Killer’ Kiwi Beaumont, Greg McLean and Stewie Chatterton.
Runners-up were the Mareeba team and third money also stayed local with Peter Ghys, John Hocking, Richard Pitt and Colt Dwyer.
The Mossman ladies also bowled on Thursday and Maureen Tucker’s team were the winners, with Maureen also claiming the raffle win.
The ladies graded triples will play today.