Entsch accuses Council CEO of bullying

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Entsch accuses Council CEO of bullying

Outspoken Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch, has again taken aim at individuals within Cairns Regional Council.

Mr Entsch, a vocal critic of Mayor Val Schier, backed Deputy Mayor, Margaret Cochrane, for the position from the current group of councillors at next year's election.

"I would like to see Margaret Cochrane continue. I think that Margaret, in spite of everything, has done an outstanding job. She's copped a lot of flack, she's led in many areas where there has been virtually no leadership.

"I don't have a problem with Julia (Division 10 councillor, Julia Leu), I think that she has been doing a reasonable job. But Margaret's the only one that I think has aspired to leadership at this point in time."

Turning his attention to Council CEO, Lyn Russell, Mr Entsch said that councillors need to "stand up" to the person he says is taking the decion making away from the elected representatives.

"Councillors are elected to make decisions. When you get somebody there that is pushing and bullying and trying to make decisions on behalf of the Council I think that's wrong.

"I think that councillors need to stand up to her...Lyn Russell is an employee. They are elected representatives of their region, they need to step up to the plate. If they're not prepared to do that they shouldn't be in their positions."

Remaining on the offensive, Mr Entsch criticised the local government for its spending on the new Cairns entertainment precinct claiming that opportunities have been "squandered" to fund other projects.

"This bloody ridiculous multi-million dollar, quarter of a billion dollar, centre in Cairns - obsessed by Council, by the Mayor in particular, and yet we've got a whole range of projects that have been shovel-ready for the past two and a half years."

But Mayor Schier hit back at Mr Entsch, accusing him of spreading "misinformation."

"It's Warren Entsch that's the bully. This is an attack on councillors. Councillors are the ones who make the decisions with the advice of Council Officers.

"He has attacked the project officer for the entertainment precinct spreading deliberate misinformation and lies.

"He's getting away with making the most outrageous claims, and they're not true," she said

Cr Schier said only yesterday she had asked for councillors to come forward if they had been subjected to bullying, but none have done so.  

Lyn Russell is on leave and is not available for comment.