Dwarf minke whale tourism team takes awards
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Dwarf minke whale tourism team takes awards

by Kerry Larsen - kerry@thenewsport.com.au
A collaboration of local tourism operators, scientists and marine conservationists who have pioneered guidelines for the famous swimming with the dwarf minke whales off Port Douglas has been honoured at the 2011Tropical Innovation Awards.
The “World’s Best Practice Swim-with-Whales Ecotourism Management Model” was presented with two awards at Friday night’s gala event at Cairns Convention Centre, paying tribute to Far North Queensland’s best inventors.
The double award-winning collaboration began in response to concerns about potential impacts on the dwarf minke whales sight-seeing form of tourism, their sustainable practices growing over the past two decades to lead to many scientific discoveries and the development of an international Code of Practice.
Their resulting efforts resulted in the presentation of both the Stanwell Eco Innovation Award and the AusIndustry People’s Choice Award in the annual ceremony.
Led by local marine conservationist, John Rumney, the collaborators include the JCU Minke Whale Project research team (Dr Alastair Birtles, Assoc. Prof Peter Valentine, Prof Helene Marsh, Prof Bruce Prideaux, Mr Matt Curnock, Ms Susan Sobtzick, Dr Arnold Mangott & Ms Chrystie Watson); The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (Dr Mark Read, Ms Anne Caillaud, Mrs Sarah Salmon & Dr Kirstin Dobbs); Cairns and Port Douglas Reef tourism operators with endorsements to conduct swim-with-minke whale activities (represented by the Cod Hole and Ribbon Reef Operators Association and including Eye to Eye Marine Encounters, Undersea Explorer, Mike Ball Dive Expeditions, Taka Dive, Poseidon Cruises, Silver Sonic, Aristocat Reef Cruises and Floreat Reef Charter); The Museum of Tropical Queensland; The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society Australasia; the International Fund for Animal Welfare Asia Pacific.
Mr Rumney said the awards were a complete surprise and were recognition after many years’ hard work.
“Diving with the dwarf minke whales is one of the top three wildlife experiences on the planet,” Mr Rumney said.
“The waters around Port Douglas are like a schoolies week for dwarf minke whales to gather each year, and our research taken from their visits is updated and put into use every whale watching season.”
Mr Rumney said the two awards provided $7000 in prizes, which would be put back into the dwarf minke whale project.
Mr Rumney said other adventure diving and research projects currently underway with Eye to Eye Marine Encounters included diving with tiger sharks, turtles and deep sea corals in the Great Detached/Raine Island area, 300 nautical miles north of Port Douglas, which provided further income for the ongoing research projects.
Family-run business, Cairns Marine, took the top JCU Innovation of the Year prize of $10,000 for their marine animal transportation methods, which help educate people on the Great Barrier Reef.
Twelve-year-old Gordonvale State School student, Jarrah Pearce, led the way as an inventor of the future by taking out the Bank of IDEAS Youth Innovation Award for biodegradable products in the school tuckshop.
Other awards winners were Brett Wedding taking out the WHK & Fisher Adams Kelly Emerging Innovation award for avocado perfection detection; James and Sarah Mort of MiHaven Homes with their cyclone-resistant homes attracting the Cairns Chamber of Commerce Business Innovation award; and Dr Kirsten Heimann of JCU, taking out the ARUP & TropLinks Tropical Zone Innovation award algae for Biological Carbon Capture and Sequestration.
The Mossman Botanic Garden was also recognised with a nomination for their world-class rainforest arboretum, which cultivates and showcases significant plants and products of tropical rainforests in Australia and elsewhere.
Meanwhile, entries are now open for small to medium businesses to apply for the State Government’s innovation awards, What's your big idea, Queensland?
Minister for State Development and Trade Andrew Fraser said grants of up to $50,000 were up for grabs for Queensland's most innovative business ideas, after a hugely successful pilot round was run earlier this year, attracting more than 600 applicants.
Applications close on 12 September. For more information visit www.bigideaqld.com.au
To find out more about Eye to Eye Marine Encounters, visit www.marineencounters.com.au