Back to Front Ball to attract sirens
Thursday 18 August 2011
Back to Front Ball to attract sirens

No, not this type of Siren - But efforts to build a new fire station in Mount Molloy will see a unique fundraising experience take place at the Mount Molloy Community Hall on Saturday, September 17.
The Back to Front Ball will not only raise funds for the Mount Molloy Fire Brigade, but also Mount Molloy State School and Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre.
The adults-only event will see attendees mix it up with their attire – males can come in female clothing or females can ham it up in male clothing.
Or, if you don’t have the bravado to come cross-dressed, you can attend in fancy dress or in plain clothes.
At the end of the day, proceeds raised will go towards fantastic causes, with a silent auction, hampers and raffles to be won, as well as lucky door prizes for the best dressed.
Tickets are $25 a head, including food and entertainment, and are available by phoning Bruce on 4099 6688, Adam on 4099 4567 or Chrissy at Mount Molloy Post Office on 4094 1135.
Free bus transfers are available for Port Douglas and Julatten attendees.