Ask Val

Thursday 28 July 2011

Ask Val

     Dear Val
The Community Members of the PDMPAC would like a meeting to discuss which of the many groundworks within the already endorsed Master Plan, are considered to be the most urgent/affordable so that we may make a request to CRC for funding of that particular element.
For instance, the rehabiliation of the ground around the mango trees on the Police Reserve to help prolong the life of the trees is urgently needed and could be carried out by Council staff under instruction.  Or more ambitiously, the early steps towards the demolition of buildings between the boat ramp and the Wharf, the last of the land-based leases expired in January 2011, could be implemented.
I do feel it is important for the moral of the town, after the devisive experience of the discussions over the lagoon pool, to demonstrate that the waterfront is not all about a pool and we are progressing with the Master Plan as a whole, while the debate continues over the pool.
I have been told by both Sandra and Liz that this is not possible and Council will decide.  Should we change the name of the Committee to PDMPEC, the 'E' standing for Endorsement? 

From: Toni McNamara, Port Douglas.

Response from Cairns Regional Council Mayor, Val Schier. 

Toni, there will be a report going to Council on the outcomes of the extensive consultation and feedback re the pool which was identified as a priority. 

At the same time, Council can also consider allocating funding to get some other parts of the Douglas master plan underway. 

I’m sure we can do something about the mango tree and I will pass that on to council officers for advice. 

I am interested that you think that demolishing the buildings between the boat ramp and the wharf is a priority.  Other people have told me they would like the ugly blue toilet block in Rex Smeale Park to be removed and replaced and that they love the idea of the children’s playground being moved in under the big, old fig trees. 


Ask Your Pollie

Our elected representatives; Julia Leu (Division 10 councilor), Val Schier (Mayor Cairns Regional Council), Jason O'Brien (State Member for Cook), and Warren Entsch (Federal Member for Leichhardt), are happy to field your questions on the issues you feel passionate about.

Simply click on the image of the politician you'd like a response from and ask away. Your question will be emailed to us at The Newsport and we will seek an answer from that pollie on your behalf.

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Please ensure you provide your full name and town of residence, as these details will be posted on the website with your question.

To make this whole exercise worthwhile, make sure your questions are topical and preferably affect the community as a whole (why your dog only eats cat food probably won't make the grade).

And remember, our elected reps can be contacted through their offices directly if you'd prefer. We just like to share and share alike.