Ask Val
Wednesday 31 August 2011

Ask Val
Val I congratulate Council on finally taking steps to minimise the opportunity for mums and dads to drive their little princes and princesses over the grass on Hutchings Park to the playground. Heaven forbid we teach our kids that 'walking is healthy'. On the other hand, some community consultation - as asked for in my previous letters to Council - might have resulted in something a little more aesthetic. From: Will Devlin, Port Douglas . Response from Cairns Regional Council Mayor, Val Schier. Hello Will I”ve chased up on the issue with Hutchings Park off Oriole St and found out that you first raised the issue of “soccer mums” driving their 4WDs over the kerb and through sodden grass back at the end of last year. I understand that Council officers told you they’d erect signs in the first instance advising that only authorised vehicles could enter the park; apparently vehicles had become bogged previously and there had been some damage to vegetation. They then acquired the budget to put bollards along the park frontage. These are made out of the new recycled materials that are commonly used. Can you let me know what your concerns are about this action? Val. Ask Your Pollie Our elected representatives; Julia Leu (Division 10 councilor), Val Schier (Mayor Cairns Regional Council), Jason O'Brien (State Member for Cook), and Warren Entsch (Federal Member for Leichhardt), are happy to field your questions on the issues you feel passionate about. Simply click on the image of the politician you'd like a response from and ask away. Your question will be emailed to us at The Newsport and we will seek an answer from that pollie on your behalf. Once we hear back we'll post your question and the answer in a dedicated page of The Newsport. Please ensure you provide your full name and town of residence, as these details will be posted on the website with your question. To make this whole exercise worthwhile, make sure your questions are topical and preferably affect the community as a whole (why your dog only eats cat food probably won't make the grade). And remember, our elected reps can be contacted through their offices directly if you'd prefer. We just like to share and share alike. |