Ask Julia

Thursday 28 July 2011

Ask Julia

     Dear Julia

Why isn't there a landmark (icon) when entering Mossman/Daintree?
We need to have something BIG, BRIGHT, EYE CATCHING, something like what Mossman is known for eg. Sugar cane cutting the old way.
We are a tourist attraction place and popular for the 'Daintree World Heritage' area Cape Tribulation (one of the places Captain Cook had to stop).  

From: Petrina Neller, Mossman.

Response from Division 10 Councilor, Julia Leu. 

Hi Petrina

We do have a landmark (icon) in Mossman and it is of a man cutting sugar cane the old way within an outline of Australia. It is located next to the All Abilities Playground in the park opposite St David's Church. It was created by local artist Ben Jenkins specifically for the Centenary of Federation Celebrations which attracted over 5,000 people on September 4th 2001.

The sculpture was funded by Douglas Shire Council and manufactured locally by Steven Fischer. There is a plaque at the bottom of the sculpture and a time capsule was buried at the same time. This is due to be opened in 2051......if anyone remembers.  


Ask Your Pollie

Our elected representatives; Julia Leu (Division 10 councilor), Val Schier (Mayor Cairns Regional Council), Jason O'Brien (State Member for Cook), and Warren Entsch (Federal Member for Leichhardt), are happy to field your questions on the issues you feel passionate about.

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