Worlds beckon for local bowler

Monday 2 May 2011

World's beckon for local bowler


Mossman Bowls Club member Bernie Wolland takes off to Pretoria, South Africa tomorrow to represent Australia at the 2011 IBD World Bowls Championships at the Wingate Park Country Club.

The event, which involves disabled competitors from all over the world, will not be the first in which Mr Wolland has represented Australia.

"I went to England in 2006 and that was a northern hemisphere championships, and we went to a tournament in Sydney which was the World Championships in 2007."

Mr Wolland will compete in the V6 singles, and the V7 and V8 pairs. Classifications range from V1 (least abled) to V8 (most abled).

The Mossman Bowls Club Management Committee presented Mr Wolland with a cheque for $2,500 towards his personal expenses for this trip.

"It means quite a bit because competitors have to pay their own way," Mr Wolland said.

Caitlin Smith from the Edge Hill Bowls Club in Cairns will also be doing the Far North proud.