The Viewpoint - What's so good about TV?
Friday 15 April 2011
The Viewpoint - What's so good about TV?

by Mat Churchill
There are alot of things I want to do in life; learn a language, get fit, and dust off my guitar among others.
Last night I spent four hours lying on the couch watching TV. And lately that's becoming the norm.
Looking back now I could have spent my time a little more productively.
But, what makes some people motivated and others, well, not?
Why is it that I will endure hours of cop and cooking shows (NCIS, SVU, MKR, WTF?) feeling my energy and brain activity levels drop by the minute, and not do anything about it?
In an effort to blame anything other than myself I blame screens. Anyone who spends their day in front of one will know what I mean.
We live our life in front of screens which I'm sure in some bizarre, matrix style twist use our energy to run themselves.
Breakfast TV, off to work to sit at my computer for eight or nine hours, come home to cops, cooking, and even cops cooking (yes it has happened), all the while checking my iPhone for what I don't really know.
What's worse is that out of a moment of weakness I've bought a Nintendo Wii. There is no escape!
Even the prospect of having a new bub in the house in three weeks time is dampened by the knowledge I'll need to watch his or her every move through a monitor.
No matter how hard I try to pass the buck to the blood sucking machines, I know the blame rests with me (and the addiction that is Resident Evil 4).
Some people are doers. They find the time to work, have quality time with the family and friends, exercise, keep their house and car sickeningly clean, and even study at the same time.
Someone said to me recently that if you want something done, ask a busy person.
But I'll get around to doing these things, once I've had a good lie down.