Residents recognise tireless efforts

Friday 15 April 2011

Residents recognise tireless efforts


A plaque acknowledging the contribution of local identity James Watson to the beautification of Nautilus Street has been unveiled in a ceremony on Saturday in front of over 50 people.

Mr Watson, who won the 2010 Volunteer of the Year for the Cairns Region, has worked tirelessly on the gardens of Nautilus Street, taking it from a virtual dumping ground to a stunning botanical display.
"James has made Nautilus Street into a really beautiful space that the community enjoys and at the February Douglas Advisory Board Meeting, Board Member Anne Booth suggested that we acknowledge the great contribution that James has made to the beautification of Nautilus Street with the placement of a plaque," said Cairns Regional Council's Douglas Regional Manager Liz Collyer.

Division 10 Councillor Julia Leu lead the unveiling of the plaque.

Mr Watson, who doesn't let his Parkinson's get in the way of his seemingly never-ending community comittments, works between one and two hours a day on Nautilus Street. But he says he needs help with his next project.

"I need volunteers to help move some mulch. I've got two loads I've got to move. I'm a poor old fart and there are limits to what I can do," he said with a laugh.

Anyone who can lend James a hand can contact him on 0438 148 691.