No more blame game says Chamber member

Thursday 7 April 2011

No more blame game says Chamber member


This week we speak to Natalie Johnson from the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce who says business owners in Port have a lot to look forward to, although there are some challenges to overcome.

The Newsport: What's your position on the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce?  

Natalie Johnson: I'm a Committee Member

TN: How long have you been a Chamber board member?

NJ: I'm new to the board having started around three months ago.

TN: What sub-committee do you sit on?

NJ: I'm involved with the Functions and Events sub-committee.

TN: What is your specific focus as a member of the board?

NJ: I want to bring the business community closer together by working cooperatively in promoting Port Douglas as Australia’s best tourism town.

TN: How long have you lived in Port Douglas?

NJ: Eleven years.

TN: Are you a Business owner?

NJ: No, but I'm a passionate Sales and Marketing Manager for Flames of the Forest.

TN: Tell us about your previous business experience?

NJ: My expertise lies in Business Events and I have worked in Sales and Marketing for Radisson, Great Barrier Reef Helicopters, Hannafords Events and Flames of the Forest driving high yield business into Port Douglas creating opportunities for a range of businesses – large and small, from restaurants to souvenir shops, accommodation to touring – which in turn flows through indirectly to other retailers, trades people and services.

TN: What's the biggest change in business you’ve seen while in Port Douglas?

NJ: There's been a swing towards negativity and the blame game, and an unwillingness to work together to create a greater outcome.

TN: What are some of the biggest challenges that lay ahead?

NJ: I'd say repositioning Port Douglas as Australia’s ultimate travel destination providing world class experiences coupled with outstanding levels of customer service and passion.

TN: What are the biggest opportunities for business in the future?

NJ: Tourism Queensland is making a big push into the high yield Incentive market this year, which presents excellent opportunities for business.  A refurbishment of the Sheraton Mirage property with a change of ownership will attract higher levels of the luxury market, and employ trades and services. 

Coupled with the rejuvenation of the Esplanade and pending lagoon pool development attracting the family market, we should see a greater renewed interest in the destination.

TN: What is Port Douglas' best keep secret?

NJ: The great passion so many of us have for what I consider the most special, most beautiful, and most exciting destination in the world. 

The Committee

No images available for committee members: Greg McLean, Rhys Bawden, Paula Johnson and Terry Hooper