Fun, not fines this Easter

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Fun, not fines this Easter


The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) hopes people are only greeted by the Easter Bunny this holiday period rather than a fine for illegal fishing.

With a boost in patrols taking place in the Marine Park during this Easter break, GBRMPA is reminding those heading out on the water to grab a free zoning map.

GBRMPA Field Management Director Mick Bishop said it was a great time for local or visitors to take advantage of what the Reef had to offer and fishers and boaties should be mindful of the zoning rules.

"We encourage everyone heading out on the water to grab a free zoning map and not risk a fine for illegal fishing in areas where fishing isn’t allowed or is limited," he said.

"Using a GPS to determine your position relative to zoning boundaries is also a good tool to use. It is extremely easy and reliable.

“Even people who go out on the water regularly should take time to brush up their knowledge of what they can and can’t do in particular areas," he said.

Green Zones prohibit fishing, Yellow Zones also have limitations on fishing activities and penalties apply for not following zoning rules.

“Anyone other than commercial fishing dories can enter a Green Zone to anchor for boating, swimming and snorkeling, and travelling through a Green Zone with fish on board."

You can pick up a free zoning map from bait and tackle shops, visitor information centres, ship chandlers and Department of Environment and Resource Management and Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol offices. Alternatively call the Great Barrier

Reef Marine Park Authority on 1800 990 177 for a free map.