100 years of Miallo State School

Thursday 28 April 2011

100 years of Miallo State School


Miallo State School is set to open its gates to 100 years of history, with the monumental occasion to be celebrated on 2 July 2011.

Helen Coulthard from the Miallo School Centenary Committee is looking forward to the historic event.

"We've heard of people coming from Sydney, far and wide, Townsville, Brisbane, as well as a lot of local families who have a strong connection with the school. We have a number of fourth generation students at the school and a lot of second and third generations.

"The longest living student, she still lives locally so we're hoping she will also attend as well as a number of past Principals...so there is a lot of excitement starting to build now it's all happening."

An Open Day will commence at the school from 9am, followed by the official welcome and roll call from 11am. Displays, memorabilia, food and drinks will be available also be available throughout the day until 3pm.

To cap off celebrations, a dinner dance will be held at Mossman Shire Hall from 6pm until midnight.

"We encourage people to send their RSVP in with their payment for the dinner as soon as they can. The RSVP date is 1 June," Ms Coulthard said.

Like many current and former students, Ms Coulthard said the Miallo School has been a big part of her family's life.

"I guess I've got a strong connection with the school in that I went to that school as did my two children, my brother, my sister, my mum, my husband, his father. So it does mean a lot to us, Miallo School, and we're just looking at having a lovely day to celebrate a lovely school."

She urged those people who can help out on the day to contact the school.

"Our next centenary meeting is 9am on 5 May in the Miallo School music room. We have a lovely group of current and past parents working together on the event. They're very enthusiastic and the more the merrier if people would like to come on board and help us out they'll be more than welcome."

Ms Coulthard asked that if there are any families who would like to submit stories or photographs to email them to the Miallo school by 29 April.

The invitation and all Centenary forms are available on the school’s website.

"We're relying on people to help us spread the word as far and wide as possible. Miallo was always renowned for its country hospitality and we just want to try and bring that back."