Go the Pub for the Orphans

Mon 27 September 2010 

Go the Pub for the Orphans


Ali George, well known professional photographer in Port Douglas is holding a FunForLife charity fundraiser at the Central Hotel on Friday Oct 1st starting at 6pm.


This international charity is dedicated to creating fun experiences for children living in orphanages and poverty in countries affected by natural or manmade disasters.


Entertainment will be provided by the fabulous, Kim "The Chosen One' Hurly strumming a few of her favourite songs plus a short uplifting, hopefully motivating documentary which Ali filmed in Sri Lanka when she followed to illutsrate the amazing work of FunForLife.


There will be an auction of goods and services to raise money but many more donations for goods to sell are needed to make the auction as big as possible.  potential sponsors will enjoy full exposure on the night in front of an expected 200 crowd.


So the way to support this fundraiser is by means of the perfect Port Douglas solution...Just go to the pub!  The Central Hotel to be precise and bring a little cash to generate a little sunshine into these orphans lives.


Last year Ali and friends worked in Sri lanka and found some amazing satifaction in bringing smiles and laughter to the orphans who are living in the wake of a 26 year civil war.  None of these orphans have ever known a time when the country hasn't been racked with warfare and violence.


The Art Workshops that were run were a great success.  Music, dance and crafts were organised to empower the children and put some fun back into their lives.  This creativity gives them a chance to be children again, to smile, to giggle, to dance and forget for just a while what they have been through.


FunForLife works with professional art practitioners who are all experienced in working with children and language and cultural differences.  All volunteer their time and their skills.


Later this year Ali will be travelling to Haiti as part of the team.  The aim this time is to produce a documentary on the impact of the work achieved.  Apparently there are still some places to be filled and volunteers are always welcome.  Check out www.funforlife.org.uk  for full details.


So while we're all sitting snug as a bug in the Central Hotel having fun on Friday October 1st we can all help these disadvantaged kids without raising a finger, just an arm!


Call Alison George mob: 0427 254228 or email ali@catseyeproductions.com.au