Double disaster from the Crocs

Mon 20 September 2010

Double disaster for the Port Douglas Crocs


On the drive down to Cazaly's last Saturday the Port Douglas Crocs fans were excited and expectant that the mighty Crocs were going to pull off a double celebration from having both the reserves and the seniors in their respective Grand Finals.

What a night we were all set to have!

The Reserves had reached their final against expectations in some ways.  Midway through the season they weren't getting the job done and yet their coaching staff and spectators could see their potential shining bright on the horizon.

Port Douglas Crocs Grand Final Photo Gallery

So finally with the return of some players from injury and the rapid maturity and development of all the younger players, many of whom who had been thrown in the deep end, the Ressies started to fire up.  Their rightful reward was this Grand Final against old rivals Cairns Norths, who had also pulled off a miracle or two to arrive as their unexpected opponents.

The Seniors on the other hand had stormed through their regular season undefeated and it wasn't until the preliminary final against their old nemesis, the Cairns Saints, that any doubts about a well deserved Grand Final success began to creep in.

The Reserves opened their game strongly looking like the team of destiny their momentum into the Grand Final had suggested.  They ended the first quarter very much in control at 4.1 (25) 0.2 (2) and although Norths came back strongly in the second quarter, the Magoos were still looking good for their lead 6.3 (39) to 5.4 (34) at half time.

The Norths stayed firmly on their game plan and proved to be much more physical than the Crocs.  Norths found the spaces in the midfield with their stand out man of the match Sammy Kris dominating the play. They found little opposition in pushing the ball forward.

And even despite some wayward shooting the Norths closed out the third quarter with a tight grip on the game 7.8 (50) to 6.3 (39).

In the final quarter there was just a glimpse of the Crocs determination that had been such a feature in their drive to the Grand Final and two quick goals lifted the Crocs crowd and gave them a glimmer of hope of a fightback, but time was not on their side and the third quarter dominance by the Norths came back to haunt them as they fell short by just 5 points to go down 8.5 (53) to 5.10 (58) at the final siren.

Darryl Taylor and Jason Wilkie each scored 3 goals  for the Crocs with Sammy Evans and Ryan Worn scoring one apiece.

So a disappointing start to the afternoon but Captain/Coach Leigh Marriott held his head up high after the presentations when congratulating both the opposition and his own team on their achievements from the season.  Great progress had been made and it bodes well for next year when they'll no doubt be pushing for honours again.

It was therefore left to the Port Douglas Crocs Senior side to bring home the spoils for the day but unfortunately it was their opposition who did the spoiling.

A tight first quarter saw both sides flexing their muscles to probe for any weaknesses and both coaches would probably have been reasonably satisfied that it finished more or less even with just one goal in it at 3.4 (22) Saints to 2.4 (16) Crocs.

That was about where the equality ended.  From the second quarter onwards the Crocs were always chasing the game.  Their formidable dominance of midfield just wasn't on show and looked lost on Cazaly's.

In fact the Saints controlled the midfield and built their attacks almost at will.  Evan 'Buddha' Hocking was a tower of strength at the back, in fact he was all over the ground in the end as he tried to lift his team mates but it just wasn't to be and this is not a one man game.

Cairns League Player of the year, Daniel Smith was just a ghost in comparison to his normal seasons self but this was only symptomatic of an apparent melaise that had spread throughout this talented team.

The delivery to the leagues leading scorer, Matt Shaw was almost non existent and when the ball did get upfield, Shaw's movement was obviously hampered by injury.  Sammy Boxhall ran his heart out and scored 5 superb goals but again it was a one man show, his back-up was at best fragile and nervous and at worst, non-existent.

The phrase "It was just one of those days" comes to mind but as the Saints grew in confidence, the Crocs grew more desperate and at the end of the third quarter the game should have been even further out the Crocs reach had the Saints not been so inaccurate with their kicking at 10.16 (76) to 10.5 (65).

Crocs Coach Andy Viola refrained from one of infamous 'sprays of anger' opting instead for encouragement for his 'warriors' to play as he knew they could.  He made it clear to them that in his opinion they were one of the most talented groups of players who have ever donned the blue and white jerseys for the Crocs so all they need to do was go out and win the game just as they had all through the regular season.

Sometimes, however,  the 'Gods' just aren't with you and within 30 seconds of the fourth quarter restart the Saints had increased their lead and despite a 'never say die' effort from the Crocs, The Saints just ran away with the game, finding their elusive accuracy at exactly the right time or wrong time depending on who you were supporting.

The final score saw the Saints (or the September Saints as they may well soon be called) win their third Grand Final in a row, the score finishing 17.16 (118) to 12.8 (80).

The Norths Matthew Hammond was the Saints Best player with his fellow defender Adam Couch right behind him.  Evan Hocking was very deservedly the Crocs best player with Sammy Boxhall a very creditable forth but should have been listed in second place.

This loss will take some getting over by the Port Douglas Crocs but it is at times of devastation that real men stand up to be counted and with Evan Hocking at their helm, this team will be back stronger and even more determined to right the wrong that they have just suffered and we will all be there to see them do it....Go the Crocs!!

Port Douglas Crocs Reserves Grand Final Photo Gallery

Port Douglas Crocs Seniors Grand Final Photo Gallery

more photos to come . . .