Council announces climate strategy

Mon 30 August 2010

Council announces climate strategy


Cairns Regional Council has created a climate change strategy to provide a clear direction in addressing the affects of climate change for the next five years.

Council staff produced the Climate Change Strategy 2010/2015 which outlines a proactive strategic approach to community leadership in mitigating effects of climate change.

Mayor Val Schier said climate change has the potential to affect every aspect of Council operations and impact the quality of life for residents of the region.


“It is now well documented through scientific evidence that climate change is affecting our region.  We want to be well prepared and be flexible in our methods and approach,” Cr Schier said.

“The strategy we have come up with has clearly defined vision, scope and objectives.  It draws together and builds on Council’s existing policies and projects in relation to climate change to achieve a unified and broad approach to leading the community’s response.”

Some of the key aims of the strategy are to reduce emissions from Council operations by 50% as soon as possible and become carbon neutral by 2020.

It also focuses on increasing community awareness through engagement and partnerships and increase resilience to climate change and peak oil impacts.

“To carry out the strategy Council will be required to allocate financial and human resource,” Cr Schier said. Regular monitoring and reporting will be part of the process on an annual basis.

“Council will integrate the strategy into its decision making and operational processes.  Preparing for the effects of climate change and ways to mitigate that change will become embedded in Council’s ethos.”

The strategy will see Council using renewable energy, adopting sustainable design guidelines for Council buildings, developing a sustainable transport plan and initiating a grant program to support community projects promoting sustainability and enhance community resilience to climate change or peak oil.