Act FAST the message of Stroke Week

Thur 9 September 2010

Act FAST the message of Stroke Week


Next week is National Stroke Week (13-19 September 2010) and it's a great opportunity to be reminded about the importance of recognising the early signs of a stroke.

Stroke is Australia’s second single greatest killer after coronary heart disease, and is a leading cause of disability.

This year, Australians will suffer about 60,000 strokes – that’s one stroke every 10 minutes, so it's vital to recognise the warning signs early to help minimise disability or even prevent death.

During 2010, the National Stroke Foundation will continue to promote its FAST campaign to raise awareness of stroke warning signs. FAST stands for Face, Arms, Speech and Time and involves asking three easy questions:

F – Face. Can the person smile, has their mouth dropped?
A – Arms. Can the person raise both their arms?
S – Speech. Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?
T – Time. Act FAST and call 000 immediately.

It's important to remember that stroke is always a medical emergency, and medical assistance should be sought by calling 000 – even when the symptoms last for only a short time.

Although certain risk factors can't be controlled such as age, gender and family history, there were others that could be managed by the individual. Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol low, not smoking, maintaining a healthy diet and being physically active are all key factors in reducing risk of stroke.

“The Know Your Numbers initiative – which is funded by the Bligh Government and delivered through the National Stroke Foundation in partnership with the Pharmacy Guild of Australia Queensland Branch and participating pharmacies – provides free blood pressure checks to Queenslanders,” Cook MP, Jason O’Brien said.

“Through the initiative, people who record a high blood pressure reading at their participating pharmacy are encouraged to go to their GP for a full risk assessment.

“Just one in five Queenslanders who visited a Know Your Numbers blood pressure station in 2009 recorded normal blood pressure readings.”

Fifty thousand Queenslanders are believed to be living with the effects of stroke.

For more information visit Queensland Health or the Stroke Foundation.