Top Editor credits QLDs founder as a genius

Mon 04 October 2010 

Top Editor credits QLDs founder as a genius


Neil Breen, the editor of Australia’s highest-selling newspaper The Sunday Telegraph has a regular spot on Fridays Win Television's morning show with Karl Stefanovic where they discuss what is making news around Australia. 

Last Friday (1st October) morning Neil enthusiastically told his co host that he and his family had been away on a 5 day camping trip on Moreton Island in Queensland. 


He said he and the family had had a great time. From the beach they'd been lucky enough to watch two whales breaching just off shore beyond the surf and seen about twenty sharks in a feeding frenzy on a spiral of sardines.  Of course his kids just wanted to build sand castles and who can blame them, the northern beaches of Queensland are pretty special.


He said Queensland really is a wonderful place to have a holiday.  Naturally Karl as a Queensland boy, born and bred, fully agreed.  Breenie then commented on the new global brand he'd seen for Queensland, "Queensland, Where Australia shines".  he said he thought  this new slogan was OK but he didn't reckon it did the place justice 'cos he said,  "Whoever the man was who invented Queensland, should be told he was bloody genius". 


It should be noted that in 2006 Neil Breen was appointed editor of The Sunday Telegraph, which sells 690,000 papers a week and has 1.8 million weekly readers and he's still employed, so he obviously knows what he's doing. 


Thank you for your compliments about Queensland, you're absolutely right, it's an amazing place, but wait until you visit Port Douglas, now that's truly God's own country  !...Good on you Breenie.