The value of publicity?

Thur 7 October 2010 

The value of publicity to tourism


Tourism Queensland's latest campaign 'Queensland, Where Australia Shines' has generated $3.7 million worth of publicity, according to State Premier, Anna Bligh.

Aimed squarely at the international market, the campaign has a focus on social media sites such as You Tube where the campaign video has been seen 13,400 times since its launch on 26 September.

To put this into perspective, a video titled 'Kim Kardashian BOTOX injection makeup tutorial', where a girl impersonates a B-Grade reality TV star in the US has gained nearly 90,000 views since Sunday.

Ms Bligh told the parliament of the importance of the tourism industry to Queensland.

"Tourism contributes more than $9 billion to Queensland's economy each year, making it the state's second largest exporter earner after coal," she said.

Reporter's note: Putting a value on publicity is a common practice within government and tourism bodies, but just as apparent is the lack of data supporting the actual success of a campaign.

$3.7 million in publicity sounds impressive, so I'm sure we're all waiting to hear just how many people actually come to Queensland because they saw the campaign.