Superleague basketball back in FNQ

Monday 25 October 2010

Superleague basketball back in FNQ


by Nick Gibson

The Port/Mossman ‘Hazbeens’ ventured down to Cairns on Sunday after receiving an invitation to the FNQ Superleague basketball pre season ‘Blitz’ tournament which is held annually.

Organiser Joel Khalu, who runs the ‘hoops dreaming’ project and promotes basketball throughout the region extended this shire an invitation to even up team numbers and continue to have a close relationship with basketballers in the area.

Taipans' point guard Deba George was thrown on our side to help strengthen us and received a starting position when veteran point guard Bruno Bennett was to flu–ridden to play.

Deba, who is very close to being signed to the Taipans' permanent ten had a great tournament and was wonderful to watch.

Coach Steve Hull was upbeat even though the Hazbeens lost all three close games and had this to say; "Without Deba we would have lost all games by 40!"

Nicky G who captained and hand picked the squad was a little more realistic. "Without Deba we would have lost all games by 50!"

On a serious note, well done to all players (Nick Gibson, Lucas Teasdale, Dave Rootsey, Doug Crees, Deba George, Cedric Sunga, Nathan Stoker and Ben Dover) for representing the area with pride, and to Steve Hull for his sideline strategies.

The Hazbeens will have another crack next year but only on the proviso we get Deba back and they throw in Aaron Grabau for good measure!

Great stuff Cairns Basketball - it’s all helping the sport make its comeback!