New disaster centre to open

Friday 29 October 2010

New disaster centre to open


A new cyclone five rated building is currently under construction by Council and will provide a centre for the efficient preparation and response to disaster events. 

The Cairns Local Disaster Management Coordination Centre is set to open in early December.

Mayor Val Schier said the much needed new multipurpose building would underpin the ultimate safety of the community during disaster events as well as serve the community all year round.

“During the cyclone season the centre will provide a disaster coordination centre for emergency service personnel, media and a focal point for relief teams,” Cr Schier said.

Other members of the Local Disaster Management Group will also make use of the centre. It will be available to services such as the Red Cross, Emergency Services Queensland and Department of Communities.  

“The centre will also provide a training venue and education hub for the community and school groups to learn how to improve individual and household resilience to disasters,” she said

The Centre has back-up power supply, store rooms, meeting rooms, kitchen, showers, laundry facilities, training and meeting rooms and a data recovery room.  It will also be fully equipped for media broadcasts.

“Council’s Disaster Management Team will be relocated to this building. They will design an annual training calendar and conduct Council training at the centre," Cr Schier said.