Mayor's Xmas Appeal aims high

Thur 7 October 2010 

Mayor's Xmas Appeal aims high


Mrs Claus and her elves will join Mayor Val Schier today for the launch of the 2010 Mayor’s Christmas Appeal.

“Once again it is the time of year when Council asks the community to join us in thinking about those who have less or have been doing it tough over the last year,” Cr Schier said.

“The first pledges have already come in and we are looking forward once again to meeting our target of $50,000.”

For the first time this year, donations can be made directly to the fund online by visiting Council’s website and following the prompts on the homepage.

“Council is encouraging everyone to join in and give any amount at all. Every dollar counts in the effort to ensure that everyone shares in the wealth of our community and has a happy Christmas.” 

Donations can also be made by cheque, cash and EFTPOS at Council’s administration buildings.