Marina creating beautiful spaces

Thursday 21 October 2010 

Marina creating beautiful spaces


by Mat Churchill

40,000 people pass through Meridien Marina each year, and they'll soon be treated to some of the areas finest art.

The 'Beautiful Art Spaces' project is designed to invigorate empty shops located within the Marina by inviting Port's creative talent to display their artwork, designs, and crafts.

The Cairns Regional Council is partnering with the Marina to subsidise the cost of the shops earmarked for Beautiful Art Spaces.

Steve Burcher from Meridien Marina said the initiative will bring a new energy to the centre. "The Beautiful Art Spaces will provide space to artists, attract people to the Marina, and therefore customers to our other shops."

Artists in various fields will beautify and enliven the strip of shops that have laid dormant for some time.

"Tania Heben is an exceptional artist and so is Che. We also have local fashion designers such as Karly J who is really going places, and Cindy Liggins, and Nanna Soderstrom's photography," Mr Burcher said.

The Beautiful Art Spaces also includes jewellers, proving that art can take many forms.

Che has worked tirelessly in his space for the past three months to create art that has a strong Buddhist philosophy.

"The idea (behind my art) is to afford a portal to a gentler and vaster state of mind," he said. "It's important to understand the concept of impermanence and not to be time bound."

Che cited an example of how life reflected this philosophy. "We had a full moon show at the Sugar Wharf in August and I had a 35 foot bamboo prayer pole wrapped in silk and Tibetan prayer flags.

"I went back to collect it the next day and someone had nicked it. Now that's impermanence."

Tania Heben, who has been living and painting in Port Douglas for 23 years, said Beautiful Art Spaces was an important project for the community.

"I think the concept is wonderful, and the whole community will benefit.

"Using space which isn't active and bringing energy to it helps the community to appreciate its artistic culture," she said.

People can come to see Tania at work as she prepares for an exhibition at Cairns Regional Gallery in September next year.

The official launch of the Beautiful Art Spaces project will be held at the Marina this Sunday from 2pm - 3pm.