Carnivale to meet Challenge

Thursday 28 October 2010

Carnivale to meet Challenge


Carnivale and Challenge Cairns organisers will meet in mid-January to discuss how to coordinate both events in order to maximise the benefit to each.

Ken Dobbs, president of the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce says a meeting will be held with USM Events' managing director, Geoff Meyer, a meeting which will determine the look and timing" of Carnivale in 2011.

"We'll be sitting down with USM Events and talking about what they want to do and what synergies can be found, and if Carnivale will work better if it overlaps, works end-to-end, or stays as it is," Mr Dobbs said.

"The current dates for Carnivale next year are 19 to 29 May, which is only a week before the Challenge Cairns event (5 June). We need to work out if there are any advantages (to changing Carnivale dates).

"You don't want to turn Carnivale into a three week event," he said.

Mayor Val Schier told The Newsport that Port Douglas can expect a large influx of visitors in the lead up, duration, and aftermath of Challenge Cairns triathlon event.

"We're looking at 1,000 athletes and their entourages and families coming to the event, the bulk of them being internationals.

"If Europeans come all the way here they will want to stay. I think families will choose to stay in Port Douglas. If it (Challenge Cairns) is linked in with Carnivale they would stay on for the event, or stay the week after the event."

Mr Dobbs said that the format of Carnivale is not yet finalised, but said there was a proposal to have high-profile cricketers play in a charity game during the ten day festival.

He said that the Carnivale committee were also open to suggestions from the public. "From our point of view we're interested in hearing from people with good ideas."

If you'd like to make a suggestion on an event for Carnivale, email, visit the Carnivale website, or the website of the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce.