Wavelength hosts global pollution conference

Thursday 4 November 2010

Wavelength hosts global pollution conference


Every year, an estimated 6 million tonnes of debris enters our oceans, most of which is plastic. In Australia alone, we throw away about 4,000 plastic bags every minute and use about 4.5 billion plastic bags annually.

According the Plastic Pollution Coalition, a global alliance of individuals, businesses and organisations dedicated to ending plastic pollution, plastics are taking over our oceans.

They report that 18,000 pieces of plastic litter float in every square kilometre of the world’s oceans, killing turtles, whales, seabirds, seals, and many other threatened and endangered species.

This Sunday, 7 November, University of Queensland PhD Candidate Qamar Schuyler and Port Douglas-based Wavelength Marine Charters will host a live webcast of the TEDxGreatPacificGarbage patch conference, the only event of its kind in Australia.

Sponsored by the Plastic Pollution Coalition, this event will discuss the devastating impact of plastic rubbish on all marine life including dolphins, turtles, dugongs and whales.

The Global Plastic Pollution Crisis conference will be live-streamed around the globe to tens of thousands of viewers, and will be the first time the issue of plastic pollution has been discussed by leaders from the fields of technology, science, arts and entertainment, design, community activism and business.

The conference is located in Los Angeles and because of the time difference the webcast begins at 2am Queensland time and finishes at 10am.

Event organiser Qamar Schuyler, who worked with Wavelength as a snorkelling guide and marine biologist, hopes to attract night owls and early risers, but more importantly wants to raise awareness about plastic pollution and inspire people to change their habits. 

“Plastics are invading our oceans and killing our wildlife", said Ms Schuyler. "We know there are better alternatives as we used them before plastic was invented." 

"We are asking all Australians to take a pledge to refuse single-use and disposable plastics. Please help us send a strong message to industry that we’ve had enough!” 

Confirmed speakers include Dr. Sylvia Earle, Captain Charles Moore, David de Rothschild, Jackson Browne, Ed Begley Jr. and others.

Interested viewers should RSVP to Ms. Schuyler or drop in to the Wavelength office at the Meridian Marina, Port Douglas, any time during the event.  

For more information on the live screening or to RSVP, contact Qamar Schuyler at 0427 566 868 or Qamarsky@gmail.com