Waterfront committee making progress

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Waterfront committee making progress


by Mat Churchill

With the lagoon pool back in the spot light after last week's meeting involving Member for Leicchardt Warren Entsch and a host of concerned residents, the Port Douglas Master Plan Advisory Committee has gone quietly about their business.

The Advisory Committee, the official group responsible for the long awaited waterfront development, including the lagoon pool, includes members of Council, environment, business, and the community.

While the two groups are working towards the same goal, key members of the Advisory Committee, such as president of the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce, Ken Dobbs, did not get invited to the Warren Entsch led meeting.

"It was a private meeting. The Chamber is already represented at the official committee," Mr Dobbs said.

"I think they has some matters that concerned them but they'd have to take them to the Advisory Committee. We can only have one group.

"Many of the concerns that were addressed (at last week's meeting) are already happening such as the feasibility and costings."

Mr Dobbs said the Chamber, who represents the local business community, understands the importance of the lagoon pool project to Port Douglas.

"From the Chamber point of view it's a high priority. But it doesn't have to happen in the next six months, in the next couple of years would be fine."

An Advisory Committee report outlines a number of areas for consideration before the lagoon construction commences.

"Whilst the Master Plan nominates the need for a year round swimming facility at a preferred location in Rex Smeal Park, it clearly articulates the need for Council to assess locations (alternate and preferred locations), determine the final location and identify the costs and economic benefits before financing, concept, detail design and construction of the swimming lagoon proceeds."

The report also outlines the work of the Advisory Committee that we can expect to see over the next 12 months. This includes:

  • A Landscape Design Guide that identifies how to carry out landscape, streetscape and works;
  • The preliminary and concept design of the Waterfront Park Precinct (including the location of a potential lagoon pool);
  • A Stormwater Management Plan;
  • A Feasibility Assessment for the Lagoon pool;
  • The Esplanade Upgrade;
  • A Feasibility Study for the relocation of the boat ramp;
  • A number of streetscape improvements; and
  • Parking and traffic studies.

Cairns Regional Council's Liz Collyer said there has been progress made on the waterfront development in a relatively short space of time.

"We (the Advisory Committee) have had five opportunities to meet since August. We've appointed feasibility consultants who's timeframe will be to get back to us by March. There'll be lots of community consultation (during that process), she said.