TTNQ meet Chinese airline president

Thursday 4 November 2010

TTNQ meet Chinese airline president


A representative group from Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ), including Mayor Val Schier was in Brisbane yesterday to attend a Queensland Tourism Industry Council event.

The group will welcome the arrival of the President of China Southern Airlines, Tan Wangeng, who has recently announced flights from Guangzhou to Brisbane.

CEO of TTNQ, Rob Giason, said the direct flights to Brisbane would make access to Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef easier for Chinese visitors.

“China Southern has been a supporter of the Cairns charter flight program for Chinese New Year. The first scheduled flights from China into a Queensland port is a significant advance in developing the China market for tourism to our state.”

The TTNQ representatives had a private meeting with the airline's president yesterday, and had the opportunity for further relationship building at a dinner last night.

The Newsport will report on the outcomes of the meeting for our area as soon as the details come to hand.