Skase Oil Palms to get chop for cassawaries

Monday 1 November 2010

Skase Oil Palms to get chop for cassawaries

The Daintree Rainforest block previously owned and used by Port Douglas legend Christopher Skase to grow the now iconic Oil Palms that adorn both the Sheraton Mirage grounds and the entrance to Port Douglas, was recently purchased by Rainforest Rescue. 


Skase apparently bought the block in 1980 and proceeded to grow approx 1000 of the exotic oil palms.


For those of you who are not familiar with the legendary Mr Skase, he is attributed as being almost single-handedly responsible for transforming the sleepy fishing village that Port Douglas was back in the early 1980s into the 5-star destination that it is today.   His reputation became somewhat tarnished when he left town but the years since his untimely death have demonstrated that his vision was remarkable!


Kelvin Davies, the CEO for the organisation, Daintree Rescue, who have become the new owners said any palms left on the property will be removed to allow the rainforest to reclaim the land.  The Oil Palm is an introduced species and has in more recent times have been identified as a potential environmental weed and therefore their removal is an essential move to promote the habitat for the endangered cassowary known to be in the area,  In fact the property will be renamed 'Cassowary Conservation Reserve.


This may generate some controversy in the area since the Port Douglas locals are very protective of the Oil Palms and have grown used to them being synonymous with the town and it's image.   In fact Cairns Regional Council are working on a report into how to care for them to ensure their future in Port but this doesn't cut it with Mr Davies who said they are classified as a pest and must go, the palms that is!


The block is the 13th parcel of land in the Daintree Rainforest to be bought by the organisation and according to Mr Davies, " now fully protected from development and we aim to fully restore the rainforest."