Port lifesavers do us proud

Thursday 11 November 2010

Port lifesavers do us proud


by Col Cameron

Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club members travelled to Mackay on the last weekend of October to compete in the North Australian Surf Life Saving Championships. 

Six hundred competitors, from the Queensland coast as far south as Hervey Bay to the most northern club - Port Douglas, competed in all aspects of Surf Life Saving.

Shannon Goodwin was Port’s sole entrant in the gruelling Champion Life Saver contest which involves all water and beach events, and resuscitation theory and practice.  Shannon placed a commendable sixth place out of the seventeen competing regions.

Mother Nature threw down the gauntlet to all competitors with wind and surf making conditions entertaining, and at times difficult to negotiate.

Special mention needs to go to nipper competitors - BJ McLeod, Alison Munro, Poppy Lawrence, Dylan Sorenson, Rachel Goodwin and Matthew Quinn who made the finals in most events in their respective age groups - an admirable achievement considering the depth of talent from the larger southern clubs. 

Well done to Brian Markham, “the fastest man on sand” for the fourth year in a row, to Luke Humphries Opzeeland, reigning surf ski champion two years running, Harry Goodman Under 11 surf race champion at his first MacKay carnival, and to the old boys board relay team who broke a long standing record in the 110yrs+ board relay event.

Congratulations also go to Harry Goodman, Alison Munro, Eliza Markham, Simon Kramer and Finn Devine-Cameron who are now in training for the North Queensland Branch State representative side that will compete at Greenmount Beach, Sunshine Coast in March 2011.

The Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club Annual Golf Day is being held this Sunday, 14 November at midday at the Mossman Golf Club. The event is open to all and there are $2,000 worth of prizes and raffles to be won.

Proceeds from the day will go to purchasing much needed equipment for our future lifesavers. Please phone the Mossman Golf Club on 40982 089 for bookings as they are filling up fast.

Results for Port Douglas Surf Life Saving Club members are as follows:

NIPPERS, Under 11

Harry Goodman: ironperson 4th, board race 6th, surf race 1st; BJ McLeod: board race 7th; U12: Eliza Markham: beach sprint 2nd, board race 2nd, surf race 4th, ironperson 6th; Simon Kramer: beach sprint 7th, surf race 8th; Finn Devine-Cameron: board race 1st, ironperson 2nd, surf race 6th. Team Events: beach relay: Alison Munro, Eliza, Finn and Simon 2nd; board relay: Eliza, Finn and Simon 1st, cameron relay: Dylan Sorenson, Rachel Goodwin, Finn and Eliza 5th; surf teams: Alison, Eliza, Finn and Simon 3rd; male board rescue: Finn and Simon 2nd.


Luke Humphries-Opzeeland: 2km beach run 4th, board race 5th, surf ski 1st.


Kelly McNamara: surf ski 5th,2 km beach race 5th, flags 4th, beach sprint 5th, tube rescue 2nd, board race 3rd, surf race 3rd, ironperson 3rd; Sara McLeod: flags 1st, beach sprint 1st, rescue tube 1st, board race 1st; Laurence Green: 2km beach run 1st, board race 1st, ironperson 3rd, surf ski 2nd; John Goodman: board race 2nd, ironperson 6th, surf race 6th, surf ski 5th; Brian Markham: flags 3rd, beach sprint 1st, tube rescue 6th, board race 5th, surf race 4th. 

Team Events

110 yrs male board relay: Colin, John, Laurence 1st; 110yrs male surf ski relay: Colin Cameron, John Goodman, Laurence Green 3rd; 110yrs male taplin relay: Colin Cameron, John Goodman, Laurence Green 6th; female board rescue 40+ Kelly McNamara and Sara McLeod 2nd; male board rescue 40-49 yrs John Goodman and Laurence Green 3rd.