More than red faces in Wax for Evie

Tuesday 9 November 2010

More than red faces in Wax for Evie


Port Douglas' bravest men banded together in the face of adversity at The Court House Hotel on a sunny Saturday afternoon to raise money in the 'Wax for Evie."

Around 200 onlookers (including some bewildered passersby), watched the macabre spectacle as one man after another took to the rack, or in this case the massage table to be denuded of their chest hair.

Some even went the extra mile, sacrificing their back hair (as thick as their chest hair in some cases) for the cause.

But the standout was Matty Manns who, despite not having the density of chest hair of some of this counterparts, made up for it by also having his armpits, eyebrows, and one leg waxed.

The outcome of the day was another $7,000 to go towards the treatment of Evie's cancer, and the living costs of her supportive family.

Event organiser, Trevor Sands, said the continued generosity of the town was overwhelming.

"We're absolutely satisfied (with the total). We had ten guys volunteering at the start and ended up with 17," he said. "We had a total stranger offer to give $250 if the crowd matched it."

But most of the talk was how the participants handled the physical trauma of being waxed.

"Callum Jones was reacting like he was getting electrocuted," said Trevor, who also confessed to suffering bruises and, in the words of Darren Wall, "red blotches all over his chest."

But Darren faired little better. "I'd rather get a tattoo than do this again," he said.

The organisers were keen to thank everyone who contributed to the event, particularly Carly from Possums, and the ladies from Salon Luxe.

From all at The Newsport, well done guys.