Indigenous tourism guide launched
Monday 8 November 2010
Indigenous tourism guide launched
A new guide on how to sell Indigenous experiences to the domestic market has been released by Tourism Australia.
According to TA the guide was produced as a result of research commissioned by Tourism Australia and the Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism to better understand what Australians expect of Indigenous tourism experiences.
Selling Indigenous Experiences to the Domestic Market, summarises the research findings, provides insight into what the domestic market looks for and provides guidance on how best to sell Indigenous experiences to Australians.
The guide displays the opinions of a wide cross section of domestic tourism participants and talks about why the domestic tourists are so important as a target market.
Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree's Doug Ryan said the guide will be useful for a number of TPDD's members and will be contacting them with the information in order to help boost their product.
Mr Ryan said indigenous tourism products are highly sought after by international guests.
"The international market is very interested and are a big driver (for business). The U.S. and Europe are very keen to learn more through indigenous tourism," he said.