Courty hosts first meeting of Mo-Bro's

Thursday 11 November 2010

Courty hosts first meeting of Mo-Bro's


A murder of Mo-Bro's (like crows, that's the collective term), gathered at the Court House Hotel last night to celebrate the natural beauty of the moustache, and openly discuss men's health issues without fear of recrimination.

Dozens of dashing men from Port Douglas and Mossman compared their progress in both hair growth and fundraising.

Both, it appears are coming along swimmingly.

Upasana Papadopoulos, a psychologist who lives and works in Port Douglas said she was pleased at the local response to Movember, and the causes it supports.

"I’m encouraged to hear how many men from our region are getting involved in Movember and feel so proud to know some participants personally," she said.

"Movember is a particularly inspired event as it addresses all issues of health effecting men with equal emphasis on mental and physical health.

"This corresponds with research that suggests that the incidence of depression in men is associated with higher risk of various other disorders such as diabetes and heart problems. According to Upasana, current estimates show that 1 in 6 Australian men suffer from depression at any given time, and are also more likely than women to commit suicide.

"Men have always been more reluctant to ask for help, or get the medical treatment that they need, and this reluctance appears to increase for men who live in rural areas.

"Often instead of speaking to a GP or counsellor, men seem to try to deal with the problem or health issue alone, sometimes exacerbating the issue with drug or alcohol use.

"Australian men have embraced Movember as a way to honour friends and family members who have suffered ill health and depression, and to encourage each other to take care of their health and wellbeing," Upasana said.

"Thanks to everyone who is embracing this opportunity to show us all that men’s health is an issue we all need to think, talk and learn more about."

Having been started by a group of 30 mates in Melbourne (who used to gather in numbers at their local pub for personal protection at a time when the Mo was socially unacceptable), Movember now takes place around the world.

Other countries to embrace the concept include New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and Ireland.

Since inception, Movember has continued to grow each year, both in terms of participation numbers and funds raised. In Australia alone, over 128,000 Mo-Bro's and Sistas participated last year, raising more than $21 million.