Council revenue on the up

Monday 22 November 2010

Council revenue on the up


Cairns Regional Council is on track to meet this year’s financial targets in the second budget review for 2010/11.

Mayor Val Schier said the purpose of the second budget review was to ensure that Council was on track in overall performance for the year. The first budget review for the financial year was adopted by Council in September.

“Council examines its financial performance in the year to date, against the first review, so we can adjust expenditure and include any previously unbudgeted costs or revenue,” Cr Schier said.

“We’ve improved our efficiency in operations by looking closely at our operations and ensuring they are more efficient.   We’ve set ourselves operating targets and it is an ongoing process to reach them.

“We have increased our operating revenue and this has resulted in a reduction in our operating deficit by more than $700,000 predicted at the first review. Both are positives.

“Our strong financial position reflects stringent controls put in place at the last budget review.”

Council measures its performance against key financial sustainability criteria supplied by the State’s Department of Infrastructure and Planning.