Businesses invited to TPDD forum

Monday 15 November 2010

Businesses invited to TPDD forum


The Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree are inviting local business operators to a Tourism Business Forum on 23 November.

The forum aims to educate attendees on the role of TPDD in promoting Port Douglas, and the work they undertake.

"The Chamber of Commerce is acutely aware all of our businesses in Port Douglas and the Douglas area are heavily reliant upon the promotion and understanding of the marketing of Port Douglas," Chamber president Ken Dobbs said.

A business survey conducted by Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce members, Doug Calvert and Martin Tranter, earlier this year indicated that there was a need by businesses to better understand the relationship between TPDD and the local businesses, and the direction being taken by TPDD to promote our destination and brand.

"This is your opportunity for your business to receive information as to how the Port Douglas brand is being promoted to Tourists, and feedback obtained by TPDD as to the demographic of the tourists that visit the town, the average spend of such tourists whilst in the area, and their needs and wants," Mr Calvert said   

The forum will also provide a general overview and interactive discussion panel on the tourism industry "structure and supply chains", including the level of reliance upon wholesalers such as Flight Centre.

"All business owners in Port Douglas, whatever your business, be it tour operators, retailers, accommodation managers, restaurateurs or general industry are invited to attend a one hour Tourism Business Forum," Mr Dobbs said. 

The forum will be held at the Port Douglas Community Hall from 5:30pm.