"Absolute consensus" sees lagoon underway

Thursday 11 November 2010

"Absolute consensus" sees lagoon underway

by Mat Churchill


Federal MP for Leichhardt Warren Entsch, Division 10 Councillor Julia Leu, and a group of concerned residents have vowed to end talk and start action on the long awaited lagoon pool project.

The group met at Bistro 3, but "robust discussion" was the order of the day with tangible progress being made, and project funding being sought as early as next week from Federal Minister for Regional Development, Simon Crean.

"One of the biggest challenges from the last election campaign was not having a project to seek funding for," Mr Entsch said.

"It was an opportunity at the last election that went begging. I'm not going to let that happen again. It's the first time that I can remember that the community has got a plan."

Instigator of the meeting, George Humphries, said the lagoon pool project in Port Douglas was well overdue and has cost the town economically.

"Port's lack of infrastructure  over the years means we've fallen behind Cairns, Airlie, and Townsville. Warren wanted this meeting to be informal, and purely about the lagoon."

Mr Entsch said time is of the essence in seeking the necessary funding. "They've been talking about it for 40 years. If we wait we'll miss other opportunities for funding."

"This is a community that relies totally on its private sector. Port Douglas has forgotten how to ask (for funding support).

"The community has given so much to Australia, it's realistic that the State and Federal Governments should give something back."

Independent costings from the local business community place the price of constructing the lagoon pool at $15 million.

The lagoon pool site has been selected and will be built at Rex Smeal Park behind the old court house.

Mr Entsch said that Port Douglas locals are set to benefit from the lagoon even more that tourists.

"The difference between Cairns and Port Douglas is that Cairns residents said it will only be used by tourists. While tourists will appreciate it, I can put money on it that the majority of people who will use it will be locals."

Mr Entsch was adamant that due process would be adhered to before construction commenced, including an environmental impact study.

SKAL president, Carmel Angelino was excited by the prospects of the project getting underway.

"It's invigorating knowing it's getting started. Warren knows the path to go down and it's wonderful that he's here," she said.