Put an end to unwanted telesales calls

Mon 10 May 

Put an end to unwanted telesales calls

We have just received notification that the government is once again circulating their latest attempt to put an end to those really annoying telemarketing sales calls you get at home, usually when you've just sat down to dinner or nestled down on the sofa for a TV/movie night.


Apparently all you have to do is click on the link below, complete your telephone details and the telemarketing companies who believe this absurd form of marketing actually works, will not be legally allowed to contact you.

Some people completed this form back in 2007 and maybe don't realise that the ban only lasts for 3 years which is why they are once again getting the calls.  It's because they are back on the list.


So just click on the link below and in theory these calls should be silenced for another 3 years.


Editors Comments: If the above seems like an extreme measure to have to take then I would like to pass on a tip that I was given when I was similarly complaining about an overabundance of these calls to my home phone number.

The tip is simple but effective.....when the caller asks if the owner is there, just say "Yes sure I'll just go and get them", place the handset on the nearest surface and leave it there for 5 minutes.  Surprisingly, when you pick up the receiver once again to check, they'll be gone but by the time they realise you're not coming back it will have cost them a few bob. And if everyone did that, their bills would go up nicely eh? And they might start thinking twice about these types of unsolicited sales call? 

Of course you shouldn't do that if they are ringing you on your mobile, 'cos it might cost you.  In this case just be polite and tell them to 'go forth and multiply' before ending the call !

Have you got any interesting tips or funny stories about telemarketing calls, we'd love to hear them ?