Port Douglas Police and Community Charity Golf Day
Tue 25 May
Port Douglas Police and Community Charity Golf Day

The iconic Mirage Country Club is hosting the inaugural Port Douglas Police and Community Charity Golf Day on Friday 16 July 2010.
Tee off is 11am. It will be played over 18 holes as a two person Ambrose competition. The cost is $75 per person which includes the cart, BBQ lunch and after round drinks.
All proceeds for this new fundraising event are going to The Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre. There will be raffles and auctions throughout the day and prizes for the longest drive and nearest the pins on designated holes.
Leigh was keen to let everyone know that this Golf Day is hoped to be the start of an annual event. The organisers are looking for sponsors from the local resident and business community to support this and future events.
Event Manager Leigh Marriott says "We have all sorts of sponsorship opportunities for 1) each hole, 2) for longest drive, 3) a number of nearest the pin holes and 4) for on course advertising banners. We're also happy to discuss any ideas potential sponsors come up with. It's all about raising as much for the Neighbourhood Centre as we can from the day". So if you can help please contact Leigh direct as per details below.
This could be your only chance to beat the police at their own game and claim bragging rights for the year, so don't delay book today. For further details or to book please contact Port Douglas Police on 07 4087 1999 or email: Marriott.LeighW@police.qld.gov.au