New regional character planning scheme
Fri 14 May
New Cairns Regional character planning scheme

Cairns region is to have a fresh, innovative planning scheme reflecting Council’s vision for the city and surrounding environs. Mayor Val Schier said Council had adopted a business plan put forward by Council’s planning strategies branch that provided opportunities to work with the community to create a sustainable future for the region.
“It is so important that Council and the community take the helm and have ownership of planning for the region’s future,” Cr Schier said.
“The main aims of the new scheme will be to produce a single planning tool that is simple to use and administer, serves the region by addressing community expectations and engaging stakeholders, strives to preserve the unique natural environment and embodies the vibrant character of the entire region.”
The new plan fulfills Council’s pledge of November last year to provide an efficient framework designed to address emerging economic, environmental and cultural issues of the tropical north.
Council has recently been involved in preparation of strategic policies for major projects including Mt Peter and Port Douglas Waterfront Master Planning projects, Edmonton and Smithfield Town Centres and Cairns City Centre Revitalisation, all of which will establish planning directions for the future development of the region.
“The new planning scheme will provide a single tool for regulating development across the region and will be prepared with reference to 2009-2031 Regional Plan and the new State requirements, for uniformity under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.”
The new planning scheme will be formulated in-house under the project management of Council staff. “Council’s planning and environment officers and managers have been dealing directly with the locals for years and are familiar with current community requirements and desires, which puts them in the best position to come up with the initial document draft. External specialists will be brought in to consult at various stages,” Cr Schier said.
Editors Comments: Is this the moment that the Douglas Shire Council planning scheme 'hits the dust' and re-emerges with all sorts of 'fresh' iconic opportunities for the property developers.