Fingers crossed for local green thumb

Wed 19 May

Fingers crossed for local green thumb

The seemingly tireless energy of local community legend, James Watson, has seen his work in the running for the 2010 Cairns Regional Council’s Streetscape Gardening Awards.


In just 18 months he has transformed 587 metres of Nautilus Street (near the entrance to Sea Temple Resort), from a virtual dumping ground for garden and other waste, to a colourful and tranquil oasis.


“The strip used to be full of rubbish until James came along”, local resident and well known Silversonic Skipper, Sharky said. “He’s just done an amazing job”.


And the water wise message has definitely not been lost on James. “I try and plant hardy natives, and I only water the garden when it really needs it” he said.  This sets an excellent example to those whose automatic sprinklers continue to let loose in the middle of a rain storm.


James, who grew up on a farm in Kenya, is quick to praise some of the people who have helped him along the way. Kim Baker from Marina Mirage, local residents like Sharky, and the Cairns Regional Council have all assisted James create what we hope will be an award winning streetscape.


You can find James hard at work on the garden almost every day, so why not drop by and say hello, and see his great work for yourself.


Entries for the 2010 Cairns Regional Council’s Streetscape Awards close on Friday, 11 June, with the presentations being made on Sunday, 27 June at the Cairns Botanic Gardens.