Danica and Emma Kate sell off the boys

Fri 14 May 

Danica and Emma Kate sell off the boys

These two cheeky Miss Carnivale 2010 contestants teamed up on Wednesday evening at The Court House Hotel in Port Douglas to organise a fundraising "Man' Auction for the local ladies with the Breast Cancer Charity being the beneficiary.


Eight strapping young men were recruited having fallen under the charms of both Danica and Emma Kate to bravely participate in the auction.  Having spoken to most of the lads before the auction commenced, they all seemed to have the same concerns about where this journey into the unknown was going to take them.


Apparently once sold to their lucky lady for the day the jobs they were going to be asked to perform were varied and many from spending the day cleaning the pool, re-landscaping the garden, spring cleaning the house or even helping with the shopping.


The successful bidders all had a wicked look in their eyes and a smile upon their faces and it seems that some of the odd jobs in store could be ones that the ladies had been putting off for some time.  However the gallant guys fully understood how valuable their contribution was to the fundraising result with $1,000.00 being raised during the evening. 


Crocs Club Captain and local Port Douglas Radio superstar Evan "Buddha" Hocking, MC'd the evening and performed his duties as Auctioneer in a professional manner whilst ensuring every last cent was squeezed from the audience.


It must be said that none of the ladies appeared to be disappointed with their winning lots. It's now just down to the winning bidders to organise their action men for duty.


The raffle prize of the wheelbarrow of alcohol was won earlier in the evening but the winner preferred to stay anonymous, apparently scared they may be followed home!


Editors Comments : Well done to brave lads, well done to the winning bidders and well done to Danica and Emma Kate for yet another innovative initiative for Miss Carnivale fundraising.  This must surely be the best series of Miss Carnivale fundraisers ever !   All the girls have done a fantastic job.   I'm looking forward to the Miss Carnivale Masquerade Ball on Saturday to see how the judges can possibly pick a winner.