Cloud Nine Guitars at Melbourne Festival

Tue 04 May 

Cloud Nine Guitars at Melbourne Festival

The most prestigious festival in Australia for luthiers (guitar makers) is going to have a new kid in town over the weekend of 22nd and 23rd May.  Yes, our very own Stu Forbes of Cloud Nine Guitars has been accepted as an exhibitor to showcase his own range of handcrafted guitars. 


Stu and his offsider Billy will join some other of Australia's finest independent luthiers.  The criteria to be accepted in this exclusive band of brothers is that each luthier has to have been making guitars for at least 10 years.


The Abbotsford Convention Centre provides a great venue for the guitars.  Each evening some of the luthiers will be playing to demonstrate just how fine their instruments are.  


Stu Forbes began repairing guitars as a hobby but then 10 years ago studied guitar making and became full time instrument maker.  Each instrument built by Stu at Cloud Nine is a "One Off" and are now played literally all over the world.  And anyone who has been lucky enough to procure one of his masterpieces will agree that Stu will not be found wanting amongst this luminary set of his peers.  He's hoping to learn from the other masters and I'm sure they will learn from him.


Editors Comments: Well done Stu and Billy, another bit of proof, as if we needed it, that Port Douglas is awash with artistic talent from all ends of the spectrum.