A look back into Port Douglas history

Tue 25 May

A look back into Port Douglas history

In keeping with Carnivale’s vintage theme, The Douglas Shire Historical Society has launched a photographic exhibition at the Port Douglas Court House Museum in Wharf Street.


Over 30 historic photos are on display, many of which have never been exhibited before, giving people an opportunity to see what Port Douglas was like before it became a tourist Mecca.


“There are so many residents in Port Douglas that have moved here from other parts of Australia and overseas, we think it’s important that they get the chance to see how Port Douglas used to look” Historical Society member, Peter Lloyd said.  “When I came here in 1971 there was a dirt road into town and seven shops in the main street. It’s certainly gone ahead in leaps and bounds.”


The search for photos of the district taken from the 1920’s to the 1950’s was difficult, but proved fruitful, with the exhibition showing an era when Port Douglas was a town of just 100 residents. Gone were the days of the busy port for the hinterland and yet to come was tourism’s discovery of this piece of paradise.  Port Douglas was described as “the ghost town that refused to die.”


The Museum will be open on Tuesday’s, Thursday’s, Saturday’s and Sunday’s between 10am and 2pm. Volunteers from the Historical Society will be on hand to welcome locals and visitors.