Cairns's International Women's Day Awards 2010
Fri 19 Mar
Cairns's International Women's Day Awards 2010

By Roy Weavers
At the 20th annual International Women's Day Breakfast held last week, our very own Deborah Katchell, Principal of Mossman State High School, was presented with a special commendation award for her services to and support for the Mossman community and her tireless charity work.
She has been the principal of Mossman State High School for over 20 years. Throughout that time she has provided great leadership, absolute dedication and commitment to the Mossman community and has been a great role model for all young women who have attended Mossman State High School and to her team of young teachers.
As President of the Douglas Shire Leukemia Foundation, Deborah has worked to provide support to those who have been struck down by cancer and by leukemia in particular. She has dedicated many hours to raising funds to provide support for those suffering from the disease. The funds have provided accommodation to local families who have to receive treatment in Brisbane. Under Deborah's leadership the group has raised sufficient funding to establish a unit in a new complex constructed in Brisbane.
Despite battling cancer herself over the past 12 months, Deborah has continued fund raising and her support to the foundation. She has most recently become a founding member of a local breast cancer support group "Pink in the Tropics" and is actively lobbying the State Government to gain greater support through increased Patient Travel Subsidies for Rural Women.
Editors Comments: It always gives me a warm glow indside when I see the right people getting recognised by the community for doing such great and unselfish work. Congratulations to Deborah on this well deserved award.