Whale's future at stake
Tue 22 June
Whale's future at stake

With whales being such a prominent feature on our reef at the moment, it's poignant to note that the fight for their survival continues as the International Whaling Commission meets in Morocco this week to decide on a proposal to change the ban on the killing of whales for commercial purposes.
Australian Environment Minister Peter Garrett says Australia is working hard to garner the support from other countries to reject a compromise deal that will allow some commercial whaling.
Japan, Norway and Iceland currently pose the biggest threat to the protection of whales.
Mr Garrett says any proposal to allow whaling will be vigorously resisted, and he will work towards securing the support of as many of the 87 other members of the IWC as possible.
Greenpeace will also attend the meeting, and fears the withdrawal of IWC chairman Cristian Maquieira may delay action to protect the whales.